Barcode : 9781111570040
ISBN : 9781111570040
ปีพิมพ์ : 10 / 2012
ขนาด ( w x h ) : 0 x 0 mm.
จำนวนหน้า : 832 หน้า
หมวดหนังสือ : สถิติศาสตร์
The authors provide clear guidance and informal advice while showing the links between statistics and the world. To reinforce this approach--and make the material interesting as well as easier to understand--the book integrates real-life data from a variety of sources, including journals, periodicals, newspapers, and the Internet. Readers also have opportunities to develop their critical thinking and statistical literacy skills through special features and exercises throughout the text. The use of graphing calculators, Excel®, MINITAB®, and SPSS® is covered for those who wish to learn about these helpful tools.