Barcode : 9780744051698
ISBN : 9780744051698
Year of print : 1 / 2022
Size ( w x h ) : 0 x 0 mm.
Number of pages : 96 Pages
Book category : การบริหารธุรกิจ
The practical guide that gives you the skills to improve your selling skills and become a better salesperson.
Learn how to improve your sales skills through marketing, presenting your product, and negotiating successfully. You'll discover how to research your market, target your audience, and perfect your pitch.
In a slim, portable format, Essential Managers: Selling gives you a practical “how-to” approach with step-by-step instructions, tips, checklists, and “ask yourself” features showing you how to focus your energy, open and close a deal, and make an impact.
If you are ready to brush up on or enhance your sales skill set, this is the guide for you.