฿ 1,485.00
ประหยัด 10 %
Barcode : 9781266898440
ISBN : 9781266898440
ปีพิมพ์ : 11 / 2025
ขนาด ( w x h ) : 0 x 0 mm.
จำนวนหน้า : 0 หน้า
หมวดหนังสือ : เศรษฐศาสตร์ทั่วไป
Robert Frank's Microeconomics and Behavior covers microeconomic topics while exploring the relationship between economic analysis and human behavior.
Written in a way that is intellectually challenging, but also accessible and engaging to students.
Earlier revisions of Microeconomics and Behavior focused on updating its examples and enriching its set of learning aids.
This 2024 release marks a departure from that pattern.
Although the author has long believed that the economic decisions that govern energy use have been a fruitful way to introduce basic microeconomic concepts, these received only limited attention in earlier editions.
Now, with the climate crisis having become the defining issue of our era, the author has focused more intensively on how basic microeconomic concepts can help students think more clearly about, and respond more effectively to, the climate challenges we face.
Core analytical tools are embedded in a diverse collection of examples and applications to illuminate the power and versatility of the economic way of thinking.
Students are encouraged to become Economic Naturalists who see ordinary existence in a sharp new light.