฿ 855.00
ประหยัด 10 %
Barcode : 9781398609082
ISBN : 9781398609082
ปีพิมพ์ : 1 / 2023
ขนาด ( w x h ) : 0 x 0 mm.
จำนวนหน้า : 248 หน้า
หมวดหนังสือ : การตลาดทั่วไป
How can sales managers coach their teams through multiple, sometimes stressful, rollouts? You can teach your team to embrace and manage change from the bottom up. Global sales management and transformation leader Grant Van Ulbrich makes a compelling case for tackling this issue using an innovative change management model designed with sales teams in mind. Transforming Sales Management begins with an overview of sales management, sales transformation and change management. Showcasing the issues of organization-focused frameworks in today's current sales atmosphere, the book makes a case for a bottom-up change management model: SCARED SO WHAT. Transforming Sales Management takes readers through the implementation of the model used at various Fortune 100 groups, universities and institutions, detailing the framework in two parts: SCARED (Surprise, Champion/Conflicted, Action, Receptive/Rejective, Explore, Decide) and SO WHAT (Strategy, Options, Way forward, Hope, Actions, Taking ownership). The author explains the emotional impact of change and why it's important to critically reflect and focus on actions before making a decision and responding to it. The book applies the model to complex sales situations and provides useful support tools to help readers react when confronted with change. Readers will learn how to help their sales teams navigate corporate rollouts, changes to organizational design, the implementation of new technologies, rejection of sales opportunities and changing customer expectations. |